
My research interests are in the areas of number theory and its applications. Number theory has very rich interaction of ideas across such diverse fields as analysis, algebra, geometry and representation theory, now even quantum mechanics and data science. For instance, there are more and more fascinating collaborations among physicists pursuing the implications of quantum chaos and number theorists attracted by Riemann Hypothesis, one of the deepest problems in mathematics.

Recently, I am interested in studying the interactions between data science, number theory and graph theory. For instance, we can apply the method in data mining to the computational aspect of number theory problems. On the other hand, in data analysis, the discrete structures of big data can be well represented by p-adic number systems and p-adic numbers have many powerful applications on data analysis and data clustering. I am also working on some data clustering problems using techniques in theory of graphs and hypergraphs. Along this direction, there are numerous applications in bioinformatics and data science.


Publications and preprints


-The Quantum Variance on the Modular Surface, joint with Peter Sarnak, to appear.

-Quantum Variance on Maass-Hecke Cusp Forms, Comm. in Math. Phy., 475- 514, Vol. 297, 2010.

-Quantum Variance on Maass-Hecke Cusp Forms, PhD thesis, Advisor: Wenzhi Luo, Ohio State University, 2009.

-Non-Gaussian Distribution of Higher Moments of Matrix Elements, preprint.

-A Large Sieve Type Inequality and Its Applications on Waring-Goldbach Problem, preprint.

-Visible Points in Lattice Parallelograms, joint with Mizan Khan, preprint.

-Hypergraph Partitioning and Higher Order Markov Tensors, joint with C. Zhao. Preprint.

-Optimal Cluster Detection of a Certain Edge-weighted Bipartite Graph Using Markov Matrix, joint with C. Zhao, etc. submitted.

-Reliance, Loss Mitigation, and Disgorgement Damages for Breach of Contract, joint with John Liu, Ronen Avraham and Yue Qiao, submitted.
